I have too much free time

I am not complaining.

My 25th birthday cake.

I have just finished my Degree and convocation is at the end of this month.

Freelancing here and there for this and that and blessed to have an income. My working hours are flexible and it is cool. But, because of that - I end up spending a lot of time on Facebook. To rewind back I have quit Twitter for like 3 years now. Steadily being off Instagram for 2 months plus now - I had the app uninstalled and only access it through the mobile webpage where you could still see stories and posts - but with some inconveniences which I'm glad to face (otherwise I will just spend more hours there).

But the problem is Facebook. God damn Facebook. I just can't get over it. Good job Mark. The first thing in the morning - the last thing before sleep. I don't post selfies or status - nor pictures most of the days - but I do share a lot of stuff in my feed. I did try to lessen the hours by not using the FB app but access it through Chrome, but still to no avail. I guess nothing I could do about it.

I have been thinking about this blog for a while now. Here I am trying to declutter my mind and finds that writing really helps a big deal with that. I might go back to blogging soon. I like how I can write what I think publicly and no one is there to argue with me💃

My style is to not plan for what I want to write. I mean it's a hobby - and it feels more genuine that way anyway. Okay I'm suddenly excited and have tons of ideas (which would all be unfinished when I try to write them anyway🤷‍♀️).

Anyway, feels good to be able to write again.


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